I Give It to You by Valerie Martin

Why do people choose to write, discuss, investigate, study historical periods, times and places unconnected to themselves and to their own heritage, history, country and continent they come from? Why would an Italian have to be annoyed with an American writing about Mussolini decades after World War II? Actually, there shouldn’t be a reason. I, …

Hiromi Kawakami, Profesorova tašna / Strange Weather in Tokio

Scroll down for English Neobična i neuobičajena ljubavna priča između umirovljenog srednjoškolskog profesora i njegove bivše učenice. Zapravo i sama definicija ljubavne priče odgađa se skoro za sami kraj. Pripovijedanje trideset osmogodišnje Tsukiko u prvom licu polako nas vodi kroz uobičajene i neuobičajene događaje, njihova susretanja, piće, jelo, svakodnevicu, njezine neodlučne osjećaje, pa sve do …

Leo Perutz, Snijeg svetog Petra

Što je fanatizam našeg doba? Možda potpuno pogrešno pitanje u ovome trenutku u svijetu, u ovome trenutku kojega ispunja mnoštvo nevjerojatnih zbivanja I pojava – smrtonosan virus, sulude teorije zavjere, razarajući rasizam i nasilje bez nazirućeg kraja. 1932. u Njemačkoj, u doba previranja, naš pripovjedač Georg Friedrich Amberg nalazi na mnogo neobičnih događaja, likova, spleta …

Cleanness by Garth Greenwell

What is the difference between the pornographic and the erotic? It is a question to ponder on, but after reading this novel the answer is obvious: art. Every world that comes out of Greenwell is indeed that: art. This novel consists of three parts and nine stories, it could be considered as a short story …

Sally Rooney, Razgovori s prijateljima

Frances je neobična, neuobičajena djevojka, nalazi se u stalnoj nelagodi sa samom sobom i nesigurna u to kakva je ona – zapravo. Ona klizi kroz sve svoje odnose, kroz odluke koje mora donijeti u životu, kroz odluke o vlastitom obrazovanju, poslu, novcu, ne odlučuje samo ide dalje. Studira, pjesniknja je i konstantno definira samu sebe …

Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney

Frances is awkward, unusual, unsure of herself and of her character. She glides through her relationships with people, decisions in life, education, work, money. She is a university student, a poet and she defines herself by her constant relationship with her high school friend and former girlfriend Bobbi. Apparently “normal” and “usual”, she hides her …

The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes

Do you wish to read a novel about strong independent women? This could be the novel for you. How about a novel about friendship between women? Or a novel about the love of books and reading? A novel filled with beautiful nature surroundings, harsh and stunning Kentucky mountains? This novel MIGHT fit perfectly under all …

The Discomfort of Evening by Marieke Lucas Rijneveld

Translated by Michele Hutchison Harsh, bitter, cruel, brutal. These are the words that could describe this novel the best. But, unfortunately for the world we live in, this novel feels true and genuine. How is this much hardship,  so many problems and difficulties even possible in a life of a child. In a life of …

Winter by Ali Smith

I just couldn’t wait to sit down and write something about Ali Smith’s Winter. Maybe not so much to write about it, because that will be the hard part, but to think about it some more. Because it is a novel that makes you think about it after reading it, again and again. It is …

Rabbits for Food by Binnie Kirshenbaum

Sometimes after finishing a book one word comes to mind, over and over again – honest – it is what oozes out of every word, every comma and full stop inside this book. It is honest, truthful. Raw. Bunny, our narrator, is a person with so much humour and so much heart, so much character …

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